Diabetics have a much higher risk of getting Cancer
Cancer Insurance
There is no such thing as a “good time” to get sick. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, two out of five Canadians are expected to develop cancer during their lifetimes. And the number of newly diagnosed cases continues to increase each year. Cancer Insurance can protect your family when it matters most.
Did you Know:
- 2 out of every 5 Canadians will develop cancer in their lifetime.
- On average, 22 Canadians are diagnosed with cancer every hour.
- Diabetics have a much higher risk of getting Cancer.
The cost of a Cancer Diagnosis:
Cancer statistics are everywhere and can be overwhelming. However, Ignoring these facts can be financially devastating for you and your family.
- $17,729 is the average amount of lost wages you will face while battling Cancer.
- 25% is the percentage of income your loved ones will lose resulting from time off work to be with a loved one.
- 44% of patients use their savings and investments to replace the lost wages.
- 27% of patients take on more debt in the form of loans and credit cards.
- 26% of Cancer survivors return to work before they are ready due to financial reasons.
- $65,000 is the average cost of treatment with new Cancer drugs. Even if your plan covers 80%, your out of pocket expenses would be $13,000.
- 38 weeks is the average treatment period for many cancers. Employment Insurance Sickness benefits last 15 weeks and only covers 55% of your salary.
How we can Help:
- No medical exam, No blood test and limited medical questionnaire.
- 2 questions to qualify for $25,000 of Life Insurance.
- 2 additional questions for up to $100,000 of coverage.
- You will receive a lump sum payment upon a cancer diagnosis.
- You can use the money any way you like.
Diabetes and Cancer are two of the leading causes of death in Canada. Diabetes nearly doubles your risk of getting certain types of Cancer. That is a very high rate making protecting the ones you love even more important. The biggest mistake you can make is waiting to get Life Insurance. Complications from diabetes increase your premiums and limit your options. Let our professional team get you the Cancer Insurance coverage you need to protect the people who matter most.
One rural family’s travel cost:
- 22 trips to Moncton = 11352 km’s
- 4 trips to Bathurst = 352 km’s
- Total = 11,704 km’s
- 11,704 km’s x 48.5 cents/km = $5676.44 (rate used by NB Government)
- $8.00 x 44 days = $352.00
- 25 nights at $11.00 per night = $275.00
- 1 night at a hotel = $150.00
- Total = $425.00
- 44 days x $50.00 per day = $2,200.00
- 44 days x $20.00 per day = $880.00
Lost Wages:
- 44 days x $160.00 per day = $7,040.00
Cancers relating to Diabetes and complications of Diabetes:
• Bladder
• Breast cancer in women (postmenopausal)
• Colo-rectal
• Endometrial (the lining of the uterus in women)
• Liver
• Pancreatic (thought to be a risk factor for diabetes)
The connection between Cancer and Diabetes:
Diabetes and cancer are closely related, with diabetes often the first diagnosis. Research on the link between diabetes and cancer has shown the risk of a person with type 2 diabetes developing cancer is twice as high as a person without diabetes.
Research also indicates that people with type 2 diabetes who develop cancer may experience a shorter life expectancy. It is believed this results from their existing risk or presence of heart disease. Many cancer treatments can also harm the heart and circulatory system. Plus, being overweight increases the odds of cancer re-occurrence. Overweight people also have lower levels of Adiponectin, a hormone secreted by adipose tissue (fat), than lean people, which may further accelerate cancer growth.
With diabetes and cancer on the rise and already the second and seventh leading causes, respectively, of death in the United States, health experts are sounding the alarm. Experts now theorize that high insulin levels increase the growth of cancer cells, which in turn stimulate the formation of new blood vessels. The vessels then provide nourishment to cancerous tumors. To make things worse, one or more of the blood glucose-lowering medications you take may increase your risk of developing cancer.
Cause and Effect?
The Diabetes and Cancer connection varies among cancer types. Cancers of the liver, pancreas, and endometrium (uterus lining) are twice as likely to occur in people with diabetes as those without the disease. The link between colon, rectal, breast, and bladder cancers and diabetes is only half as strong. Other cancers either aren’t associated with diabetes or there isn’t enough evidence to support a connection to diabetes.
Life Insurance for people with Cancer and Diabetes has never been easier with a few simple questions we can get you Approved. Let us help you protect the people who matter most.
Cancer can come in many forms at any time. Getting protection early is the only way to guarantee Financial Peace of Mind